FICS Teamleague


Teamleague Forum

Current issues - email and bot flakyTechnical issuesIndex ->

posted at 2017-04-29 17:07 by KayVee

I'm aware of two issues
a) emails not going out on time, and
b) the team league bot went down on its own on 4/28

I'm going to look into each of these. Please post any information you may have on these topics under this thread.

posted at 2017-04-29 18:53 by KayVee

At the moment, the bot issue seems to be related to FICS server going down.

I just need details on the email issues from those that faced the issue.

posted at 2017-04-30 11:14 by RoyRogersC

FICS mailmess system was down for a couple days. So that may have been the problem.

posted at 2017-05-01 17:21 by KayVee

Thanks for the info Roy. That would do it.

posted at 2017-08-05 14:10 by tseltzer

We have had issues with one of our players, phlemish, not getting any e-mails since for the first round. Any known problems?


posted at 2017-08-05 16:02 by KayVee

There have been a few reports from gmail sending teamleague emails to Spam folder. It's possible that Google has changed it's algorithm for spam recognition. Please actively whitelist emails from teamleague.

posted at 2017-08-05 18:09 by tseltzer

Many thanks for your help KayVee! I will pass this along to our player.